the world's top air defense missiles exposed: two launched at the same time, the U.S. military is not enough to see, the world is behind

The Russian Ministry of Defense recently issued a statement stating that the Russian military unit has developed a mobile portable air defense missile system "Bent-S" (Gibka-S) for the Army, which will be installed on the Russian "Tiger" armored vehicle. The Russian Ministry of Defense pointed out that an important advantage of the "Bend-S" system is the ability to remotely launch all improved models of the "Yellow Willow" and "Needle" portable air defense missiles. In addition, the system can shoot at air targets operating at speeds of up to 30 km/h, effectively covering troops during marching.

The Russian Ministry of Defense pointed out in the video introduction that the "curved-S" system can operate under a unified tactical command system to carry out reconnaissance, tracking and shooting of operational and stationary air targets. The chariot used in the system is equipped with a multi-channel photoelectric detection and tracking system, a rapid aiming transmission device and a missile long-range launching device. The "Curved-S" was developed on the basis of the carrier-based 3M-47 air defense system and consisted of two main components: the combat vehicle where the anti-aircraft gunner was located, with a launcher mounted on the roof; and the anti-aircraft platoon commander's reconnaissance and control vehicle, equipped with a small three-coordinate radar station 1L122 "accordion". During operation, the vehicle can communicate at a distance of at least 8 kilometers.

"Bend-S" system can strike low-flying aircraft (helicopters, drones and attack aircraft) at speeds of up to 400 m/s at any time of the day. It can also destroy tanks, armored vehicles, engineering structures, manpower and small-tonnage surface targets. "Bent-S" has a range of 1-6 kilometers, a shooting height of 2 kilometers, a firing rate of 3-4 rounds per minute, and a reaction time of 1.2 seconds to air threats. The Bent-S launcher can hold up to four anti-aircraft missiles. It takes less than 30 seconds to reload. 1L122 "accordion" radar to solve target detection tasks. The radar station is capable of cyclic surveillance of the airspace and provides automatic tracking of targets. It can detect aircraft at a distance of 40 kilometers and at an altitude of at least 10 kilometers. The target data is updated every 2 to 10 seconds.

Russian engineers have chosen the most ideal platform for the "Bend-S" system, the "Tiger"-M armored vehicle, which combines the performance of army all-terrain vehicles and well-maneuverable transport vehicles. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the Tiger-M armored vehicles are used for reconnaissance, fire support, patrol, escort and protection of convoys. The vehicle "can protect people, goods and vehicle parts from light weapons and landmines in combat conditions". Russian military expert Alexei Leonkov pointed out that the emergence of the "curved-S" system in the Russian armed forces will simplify the task of covering motorized infantry units on the march. He said that the Russian army can perform this task more effectively is the "Tol-M2" air defense missile system, but the system is not always able to perform combat tasks.

Leonkov said, "Naturally, the performance of the curved-S is obviously not as good as that of the Tol-M2. However, its advantages are compactness and cheapness. If necessary, the curved-S system can be mass-produced, and it is relatively easy to install on the Tiger armored vehicles widely used by the army." The analyst said that in modern war zones, drones pose a great danger to ground forces. Illegal armed groups in the Middle East are actively using drones to organize sabotage activities and terrorist attacks. Drones can actually sneak up on army convoys or bases where expensive equipment and people are located, drop explosive devices on targets or crash into targets. Therefore, he believes that the "curved-S" system will first resist attacks from drones.